Sunday 17 February 2013

Alex Rider : Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz - Print Review

Ian Rider's Car
A Four-teen years old boy Alex Rider had just found out that his uncle, Ian Rider, had died. The Police told him that his uncle died in a car accident, which Alex believed until he saw the bullet holes in the window of his uncle's BMW. Turns out, his uncle works for Britain's top spying agency - MI6. Alex was forced to join the force by Mr Blunt and Mrs Jones. His Mission was to find out what was the deadly secret of the Stormbreaker computers created by Herod Sayle. After all the training, MI6 told him that Yassen Gregorovich was the man who killed his uncle. When Alex was ready, Mr Smithers give him the secret weapons that he needed. Alex was disguised as Felix Lester, who won the contest to meet Herod Sayle, but that boy is somewhere in
Florida. Staying in Herod Sayle's house give him a great advantage. He had found a note stuck to the ceiling, which was written by his uncle. He tried to figure out what it was until he reached a set of secret stairs, and Alex thought that was where all the secret is. Through out the stay, Alex saw Yassen Gregorovich, managed to escape and kill men on quads and made tons of mistakes that he shouldn't have done. Luckily one day, Herod Sayle told him what Ian Rider did as they were chatting because he was getting suspicious. When Alex got the chance, he went to the library for help. There, he noticed the code on the bottom of the note was actually representing a book, and the diagram represented a passage way to get to the other side of the door underground. Alex started following it immediately, since his uncle was there before him, his uncle had left some pretty useful stuff in the tunnels. After all the hard work , Alex finally managed to get into the room, and discovered a deadly secret - Herod Sayle is attaching a disease that would kill thousands of people once the computers are activated ! Alex escaped and came through traps, but as usual he found his way around them. Knowing that he must warn the prime minster who was going to activate the computers, he made efforts trying to attempt the plane. He was trapped though, all sorts of security cars and guards were surrounding him, he tricked them into attacking each other. Alex finally arrived at London, just in time to stop the computer activation. Sure enough, he did. He knew Herod Sayle did it for a reason - to take revenge on the Prime minster, but he was killed by Yassen. Yassen told Alex to never do this again and saluted as he flew away on his plane. Alex was proud of himself, even though he had injured himself quite a lot of times, but he had saved thousands of children!

The Main Idea of this story is about Alex making all the efforts trying to finish the job that his uncle left off- to find the horrible secret of the Stormbreaker computers. While he's doing that, he gets in trouble and all sorts of obstacles lay ahead of him. Through out the book he finds new discoveries and saves the world.

Characters in this story:

Main Characters:

 Alex Rider - The fourteen years old boy, who goes on the mission called Stormbreaker.

 Herod Sayle - The man who created the dangerous computers

 Mr.Grin - Butler/The man who kept on sending killers to kill Alex.

 Other Characters:

Ian Rider - Alex's uncle and a MI6 spy.
Jack Starbright - House Keeper/A girl who takes care of Alex.
Alan Blunt/Mr Blunt - Chief executive of MI6
Mrs Jones - Head of operations ( sends spies on missions)
Crawly - Driver/ employee of the MI6

Mr. Smithers - The man who makes all the secret weapons for the spies to carry.
Wolf, Snake, Eagle and Fox - members of the K unit training center
Nadia Vole - A employee at the Sayle enterprise

Yassen Gregorovich - Assassin/ contact killer of Sayle Enterprises.

The best part of the book was when Alex found out the deadly secret of the Stormbreaker computers, because that means he had succeeded on his mission. The whole point of this mission was to found out the secret of those computers and Alex managed to do it. Also, when he discovered the secret he was able to stop them since he know what was in the computers . He was warn the Prime Minister so that nobody gets infected from those computers.
The worst part of the book was when Herod Sayle was about to kill Alex, because it would be sad and depressing if Alex died. It also wouldn't be exciting to read the other books if the main character died in the first book. Therefore, the ending was predictable ( Alex can't die or the gun had no bullets in it , anything to prevent Alex from dying ) So that wasn't a good thing to read about and that's why I didn't like that part of the book.
In my opinion, this book was well written and exciting. Although it may include a lot of violence, but mainly it's made up of adventure and action. I really recommend this book , it's just want you want if you like action, adventure and hidden secrets/ mystery. Have fun reading this book, and by the way you should read the series too. It gets more and more exciting. So you should seriously start reading this book!
Rating :9/10 



Sunday 3 February 2013

X&Y by coldplay - Music Review

The lyrics of this album is pretty good with no bad words. The album starts off with the song "Square one". Square one is about someone who's stuck in the same old  mood and place. Their life just wouldn't be exciting or moving on. In other words they are trapped in square one. "What if " is the second song. This song talks about all the things that could go wrong and how to solve them. The third song which is " White shadows is about people missing opportunity and have lost something, then tries to make it up.Which every white shadow in this song represents. Here comes the forth, "Fix you". Fix you is basically about when you don't get what you want , rich your goals or whatever you wanted to do, never give up, someone could be there to help you and go through it together. Moving on " Talk" is the fifth song. When you can't get through or having trouble with something you should always talk to someone. If someone else is like that you should help them as well. If you paid attention to the title you'll know that the next song is the title of the album. " X& Y" is about going through something together and never let each other go ( love song). This next song will relate to all our lives. " The speed of sound" is the next song. It is about how fast life goes and if you miss something you'll never get it back, so you must not waste your life and treasure every good moments. " a massage " is the eighth song. It is basically about a person that trying to get  a massage (``I love you``) though to the person he loves. The next song called "Low" is about when your life is plain and you never know what's going to happen, until you try. This next song is super romantic called " Swallowed in the sea" which is about two people that belonged to each other and nothing could drive them apart. The eleventh song is "The hardest part" which is about when someone broke another person's heart. "Twisted logic" is the 12th song. That is about " Don't go after something that you don't belong too or something that will make you step back. If you don't then you'll step forward." Til Kingdom comes" is another romantic song. It is about a guy that waited a long time to be with a girl and she's everything to him. The last song is called " How you see the world" It is just your perspective of the world and all the good things and the bad things that happen and how you can take it. What a long album!

The mood of the album is mostly romantic songs.Because this album is dealt with love. For example ; X and Y, Til Kingdom comes and Low.  So, the songs may sound quiet most of the times as for other songs in this album sounds pretty exciting. Like I said in the beginning, there are no bad words in this album which makes it appropriate for the children and teenagers. That's also pretty impressive for an album with love songs in it. This is an album that is really creative.

The best part of this album is when I got to listen to "fix you". This is a song that explains " not everyone is perfect", but someone will help you to be " perfect ". Not only were the lyrics great, but the background music too. Also,in the song it says " lights will guide you home " . I think that means "follow your path to success" or" go for your dreams. This song was very encouraging and has a beautiful instrumental sound.

The worst part of the album is when the song "white shadows" came on. To tell you the truth I don't really understand it. So I had to read the lyrics over and over again, just to find out what they were trying to say. Another thing is that it talks about the white shadows at the first two verses and talk on to something else in the other verses, so it confused me a bit. That's why I thought this was the worst part of the album.

In my opinion, this album was really good. Simply because most songs in this album has awesome instrumental music and the lyrics were well written as well. So I suggest you listen to this album, it won't be as exciting at the beginning, but it will get really awesome so just be a little patient. If you are patient then you'll find out the goodness of this album, like the caramel in a chocolate. Have fun listening to this album!

Rating : 8/10