Sunday 31 March 2013

Red album by Taylor Swift - Music review

 Taylor Swift's albums are all really good, but this is one of my favorites. Her songs are very meaningful and creative as well.


State of Grace:

This song is about how Taylor loves another guy and they never let go and nothing could stop them. Basically, they have strong feelings for each other, and one can not be the same without the other person.

Red :

When it comes to love , for some people there's always a point where you have to let go and move on. This song talks about when you fell in love with someone is red , breaking up with them is hard. Even if you did, forgetting them and moving on seems impossible.

Treacherous :

Love, is too attractive in this song. When you get magnetized to a guy, you would follow him and wanting him to love you back. You wouldn't be able to let go.

I know you were trouble:

Dumped by your boyfriend is always sad, especially if you truly loved him. He was nothing but trouble, he found  you, then left you when you really needed him.

All too well: 

Have you ever known your boy/girl friend  so well, that you wish you hadn't? Then this is the song that you'd like. In this song , two people known each other so well, that they remember all the things that happened between them in their whole entire life time. When they tried to be their old selves again they realized that they couldn't.


In this song, Taylor Swift feels like she's 22 again. She wanted to stay by her boyfriend's side, do all the things at the wrong time and just be free.

I almost do:

This is another song about breakups. The only difference is that, you want to try again with the same person, hoping they still care about you. But you just couldn't tell them all the things that you wanted to say, you almost do though.

We are never getting back together:

Had anyone ever wanted to leave you, then they beg you to come back? Well, tell them too late for that! Never ever would anyone let them come back. Taylor makes the man regret what he has done and he should have thought twice before he did anything. Now he will live in the mistake he had made with no one by his side. Click on the site ot listen to it.

Stay Stay Stay:

Close call, they almost broke up. But they thought back about how they managed to find each other and go for a relationship. All that isn't going to waste, and they stayed together because is so much better that way.

The last time:

Broken hearts can never be repaired, and" why ?" is the question you would ask. It would be the last questions, last words and last glances that you would ask, say and take before you leave. You will never get to see him again.

Holy ground: 

When you are climbing a mountain you would always say " Don't look down, don't look down ........"
But you don't realize that life is like this too. But love covers the ground, so you won't be able to look down, at anything that can break you guys apart. You never will.

Sad beautiful Tragic :

Taylor remembers the magical time, that she and her boyfriend had before. But  they will never be able to get their old life back. Simply because too much had happened between them.

The lucky one:

Everyone loves money, everyone likes to be cool and awesome. But one who has left someone because they are rich and do not need their partner anymore is simply rude and has a cold heart.

Everything has changed:

Taylor swift has just met someone and everything has changed from the day before. They have known each other better,did great things together and felt like they should now be together.


Taylor and Bobbie spent a crazy night together, and watched the beautiful starlight shine on them. They were by an ocean and dreaming impossible things.

Begain again:

Love will eventually end - that's what Taylor swift says in this song. She and her boyfriends remembers memories of the past. She understands everything that her boyfriend doesn't realize. On a Wednesday in a cafe she watched it began again.

Mood of this album 

The mood of the album is mostly sad with 3-4 happy songs in it. Look, at the songs 12 out of 16 songs are either break ups, trying to be herself again. Seriously, any break up is depressing for a girl, and the fact that you can't be your self again is terrible. Think about it, when you wasted all that time chasing a guy and then suddenly breaks up with you? How would you feel? You probably would think that you wasted your efforts trying to reach him and that guy is a total jerk. When you get two obsessed with a guy, you have nothing but him on your mind, if you lose him you've got nothing left, but if you tried to be your self again, you can't. Isn't that such a depressing thing? You've lost him and your old self , that is actually a really bad thing to do. So all of you that haven't done it,don't.So there's my proof, this song is sad , but has a really nice thinking work and creativeness done to it.

The best parts of this album

The best parts of this album is when I got to the song called " We are never ever getting back together". Because, when  a guy has dumped you, probably will make you mad. If he said he hated you, when you broke up with him, he loves you again. You think this will be the perfect chance to make him regret what he has done. Taylor swift here has done the right thing. For those kinds of guys, you really need to let him have it! Show him who's boss! It is his fault that he did this, even if he said he'll change. He is lying, and always will be. He just want to do this to you over and over again. Taylor probably knew that too, that's why she rejected him for real and never get back together with that guy ever again and get a way better guy than that one. Good choice Taylor Swift!

The Worst part of the album

The worst part of the album was when I got to the song called " The lucky one".
First of all, I didn't like the boy  in this. He left Taylor because he had money  and didn't need her anymore. Everyone thought he was lucky, because he's wealthy and cool. But he has a cold heart, no one bothered to look on the inside of him. Who would seriously be that rude? I don't think anyone would do that. When you have a cool and rich guy, you would want to keep him by your side. If he runs off with all his money, how would you feel. Not only that but, what if he was playing a joke on you? Make you look bad and who knows maybe he'll give his money all to another girl. Would you still feel the same way for him? I don't think so and now you've got a bitter taste of him. How sad. If makes you feel bad for Taylor and  I seriously hate the lyrics of this song.

My opinion

In my opinion, you should listen to this album. Just because it's sad doesn't mean that you shouldn't listen to it. It actually teaches you how to deal with those kind of things and the background music is awesome too. It is somatic, happy and sad depending on the songs .By the way, the last four songs are actually really nice and happy and cheer you up. Be sure to try it !It is really good some of the songs are popular and you will get them stuck in your head for a while. Have fun! Listen to this album now!






Saturday 9 March 2013

The Decoy Bride - Movie review

                           Laura Tyler - The famous Movie star, is about to get married to James Arber - a English Author! But Paparazzo has ruined their wedding by spying on them and no one knows what Paparazzo has come to know. So Lara and James decided to get married on the Scottish island of Hegg in order to avoid Paparazzo and the press. They put Emma and Steve on the job. They found the perfect place - a Castle. One day as Lara was exercising, she found out that Paparazzo had  followed them here. She went missing, so Emma and Steve had to find a decoy bride. They decided on the local girl Katie Aoidh - the girl who has a sick mother and introduced the castle to them. James Arber married the wrong person. Katie met her ex-boyfriend Angus who now wanted her back, but failed to. James and Katie divorced, but James had came to know Katie, so he and Lara decided to not get married. Katie's mother had died, but Lara managed to take her around the world like she always wanted. As Katie was going back to her hometown. James arber called her back, and told her that his new book was dedicated to her. They had fallen in love with each other.


Main characters:

James Arber - David Tennant
Lara Tyler - Alice eve
Katie Aoidh - Kelly Macdonald
Emma  - Sally Philips
Steve - Micheal Urie
Paparazzo - Ross Armstrong (1st ) and Samuel Roukin ( 2nd )

Other characters:

Angus - Hamish Clark

Iseabail Aoidh ( Katie's Mother ) : Maureen Beattie 

The Press

The best part of the movie

                      The best part of the movie is the ending when James and Katie kiss. Don't get me wrong now, it's not the kissing part that matters, its the fact that James and Katie got back together because Katie fell in love with James but her love went to waste when she and James had to divorce. Now that he called her back , and dedicated a book to her, she finds out that her love toward him wasn't wasted after all. If you loved someone and he did not chose you and went along with someone else, wouldn't you feel sad. Then all of a sudden they tell you are the only one that he actually loved, you would feel good, wouldn't you? The good thing is James did it without hurting Lara or Katie's feelings. James told Katie that the only person he married was her, and when he wrote " Dedicated to my wife" mean't " Dedicated to Katie". What a happy ending! Don't you think?

The worst part of the movie

                  The worst part of the movie is when Paparazzo ruins James and Lara's wedding by spying on them. Simply because it's horrible to have someone spying on you and you don't know how long they have been doing that, especially on your wedding day. Imagine, you are about to get married and you've been waiting for a long time, then suddenly you realize that someone is spying on you and they are right here, right now. How uncomfortable could you feel? How angry would you feel?  Of course Lara was extremely uncomfortable and angry when she found out that Paparazzo had been spying on them. Worst of all, he snapped pictures of her! She doesn't want to get married in this place anymore, she had no privacy, could it be worse? James and Lara ended up not marrying each other, their wedding had been ruined. Who wants to still get married in the same place when you already had no privacy and felt extremely angry. Because of that James and Lara decided to get married again ( this time with privacy ) on a Scottish island of Hegg where a beautiful castle is waiting for them.

My opinion

In my opinion, this was one of the greatest movies I have ever seen, well not only because of my favorite actor ( David Tennant) is in it, but because of the romance and humor of the movie that explains true love as well. As long as your are 13yrs and up, it is not inappropriate for you. It carries through a beautiful adventure of a false marriage made by James and Katie, but its true love that brought them back together again. I suggest that you watch this movie!

Rating: 8/10

Saturday 2 March 2013

Immortalis - Game Review

             Have you ever dreamed of being Immortal? Well, you could be in this game! Immortalis is a game on the Ipod/ Ipad. It is appropriate for anyone that is over 10yrs old. In this game, you fight in battles, complete quests and win amazing prizes. It is an awesome adventure/ action game and let's just say it's not bloody like most action games are.                           


               When you first start the game, you can level up easily, as you go along you actually have to  work hard. You can level up mostly by completing quest which is also exploring and collecting valuable cards and treasure as you go along. Sometimes, a boss will appear when you are completing quests and you'll have to defeat them.

      Treasures and Cards


       The most valuable treasure is the crystals,  they are traded in for high level cards or items. There are also Mp crystals which increases your mp. Golden coins and tickets are in this game as well. Golden coins ( known as conjure Mana ) are used to conjure cards. The tickets are rare tickets, they are used to get high level rare cards.


         The cards are what you use to defeat monsters and your enemies. They have pictures of immortals on them. Most of them will be gods and goddesses. Some of them have even have a special skill.  They are classified into categories C, UC, R, HR, SR, MR and LR. LR being the highest and C being the lowest. You can envove the cards by finding more of the same kind and sacrifice cards to make other cards stronger.

Battles and events:
           In the battles you will need to join a guild or create one, to form your team. Then you will form a party of you strongest cards to battle with, when you defeat your opponent your guild rank will move up, if you don't it goes down. There are special events in this game as well, most of them are only available during holiday season where you go on a quest and defeat high leveled bosses and monsters to collect really good prizes. The most important one that goes on every month is called the crystal war . Only the top fifty guilds gets to participate in it and win a lot of awesome prizes if they make it.

The best part about the game

               The best part about the game is when you win battles or made it into the crystal war, because you knew that you are about to get amazing prizes and with them you can do even better in the next battle. When make it into the crystal war,even if you lose, you will still get really good prizes like high level cards and lots of rare tickets to conjure rare cards. Think about it, if you win a higher level card, you could make your party stronger. Your attacks would do more damage and that would lead to higher chances of winning ! When you win again you could get more of those cool and valuable stuff. Not only did you win, but you also have a chance to win again next time and the  battle would be even more fun for you and your team!

The worst part about the game

                 The worst part about the game is when you gets defeated by the bosses and lose the battles because then you have to spend more time on one thing and your guild rank will go down. When you get defeated by the bosses, you can't go on to the next level until you defeat them and sometimes you will waste and run out of stamina. If that happens then you will have to wait a long time to recover. Losing a battle is a lot different but still disappointing, if you lose a battle, not only will your guild ranks go down, but you realize that your efforts went to waste. Also, what if you are at 50th place and about to enter the crystal war when suddenly you get defeated and your guild rank drops ? That would suck ! I think the way to solve this problem is to check the other team the guild rank first and make sure they don't out number you. Be smart !

Characters :

You, your team and immortals on cards that your battle with ( gods and goddesses)


My opinion

                   In my opinion, this the best adventure game I've ever tried. Trust me, this will get you addicted to it. If you like action and adventure then this is the game for you. This game has over 600 hundred cards to collect ! It also is very beautiful and little to no bloody scenes, so there's nothing to be afraid of, it is like a wonderland of battles and the good characters are always really cute and tough looking. So, I suggest you play this game, it's good. If you have an Ipod, Iphone, or IPad then what are you waiting for ? You must immediately get this game, you will like it !If you don't like action games, you will when you play this game. Play the game !

Ranking : 9/10