Sunday 31 March 2013

Red album by Taylor Swift - Music review

 Taylor Swift's albums are all really good, but this is one of my favorites. Her songs are very meaningful and creative as well.


State of Grace:

This song is about how Taylor loves another guy and they never let go and nothing could stop them. Basically, they have strong feelings for each other, and one can not be the same without the other person.

Red :

When it comes to love , for some people there's always a point where you have to let go and move on. This song talks about when you fell in love with someone is red , breaking up with them is hard. Even if you did, forgetting them and moving on seems impossible.

Treacherous :

Love, is too attractive in this song. When you get magnetized to a guy, you would follow him and wanting him to love you back. You wouldn't be able to let go.

I know you were trouble:

Dumped by your boyfriend is always sad, especially if you truly loved him. He was nothing but trouble, he found  you, then left you when you really needed him.

All too well: 

Have you ever known your boy/girl friend  so well, that you wish you hadn't? Then this is the song that you'd like. In this song , two people known each other so well, that they remember all the things that happened between them in their whole entire life time. When they tried to be their old selves again they realized that they couldn't.


In this song, Taylor Swift feels like she's 22 again. She wanted to stay by her boyfriend's side, do all the things at the wrong time and just be free.

I almost do:

This is another song about breakups. The only difference is that, you want to try again with the same person, hoping they still care about you. But you just couldn't tell them all the things that you wanted to say, you almost do though.

We are never getting back together:

Had anyone ever wanted to leave you, then they beg you to come back? Well, tell them too late for that! Never ever would anyone let them come back. Taylor makes the man regret what he has done and he should have thought twice before he did anything. Now he will live in the mistake he had made with no one by his side. Click on the site ot listen to it.

Stay Stay Stay:

Close call, they almost broke up. But they thought back about how they managed to find each other and go for a relationship. All that isn't going to waste, and they stayed together because is so much better that way.

The last time:

Broken hearts can never be repaired, and" why ?" is the question you would ask. It would be the last questions, last words and last glances that you would ask, say and take before you leave. You will never get to see him again.

Holy ground: 

When you are climbing a mountain you would always say " Don't look down, don't look down ........"
But you don't realize that life is like this too. But love covers the ground, so you won't be able to look down, at anything that can break you guys apart. You never will.

Sad beautiful Tragic :

Taylor remembers the magical time, that she and her boyfriend had before. But  they will never be able to get their old life back. Simply because too much had happened between them.

The lucky one:

Everyone loves money, everyone likes to be cool and awesome. But one who has left someone because they are rich and do not need their partner anymore is simply rude and has a cold heart.

Everything has changed:

Taylor swift has just met someone and everything has changed from the day before. They have known each other better,did great things together and felt like they should now be together.


Taylor and Bobbie spent a crazy night together, and watched the beautiful starlight shine on them. They were by an ocean and dreaming impossible things.

Begain again:

Love will eventually end - that's what Taylor swift says in this song. She and her boyfriends remembers memories of the past. She understands everything that her boyfriend doesn't realize. On a Wednesday in a cafe she watched it began again.

Mood of this album 

The mood of the album is mostly sad with 3-4 happy songs in it. Look, at the songs 12 out of 16 songs are either break ups, trying to be herself again. Seriously, any break up is depressing for a girl, and the fact that you can't be your self again is terrible. Think about it, when you wasted all that time chasing a guy and then suddenly breaks up with you? How would you feel? You probably would think that you wasted your efforts trying to reach him and that guy is a total jerk. When you get two obsessed with a guy, you have nothing but him on your mind, if you lose him you've got nothing left, but if you tried to be your self again, you can't. Isn't that such a depressing thing? You've lost him and your old self , that is actually a really bad thing to do. So all of you that haven't done it,don't.So there's my proof, this song is sad , but has a really nice thinking work and creativeness done to it.

The best parts of this album

The best parts of this album is when I got to the song called " We are never ever getting back together". Because, when  a guy has dumped you, probably will make you mad. If he said he hated you, when you broke up with him, he loves you again. You think this will be the perfect chance to make him regret what he has done. Taylor swift here has done the right thing. For those kinds of guys, you really need to let him have it! Show him who's boss! It is his fault that he did this, even if he said he'll change. He is lying, and always will be. He just want to do this to you over and over again. Taylor probably knew that too, that's why she rejected him for real and never get back together with that guy ever again and get a way better guy than that one. Good choice Taylor Swift!

The Worst part of the album

The worst part of the album was when I got to the song called " The lucky one".
First of all, I didn't like the boy  in this. He left Taylor because he had money  and didn't need her anymore. Everyone thought he was lucky, because he's wealthy and cool. But he has a cold heart, no one bothered to look on the inside of him. Who would seriously be that rude? I don't think anyone would do that. When you have a cool and rich guy, you would want to keep him by your side. If he runs off with all his money, how would you feel. Not only that but, what if he was playing a joke on you? Make you look bad and who knows maybe he'll give his money all to another girl. Would you still feel the same way for him? I don't think so and now you've got a bitter taste of him. How sad. If makes you feel bad for Taylor and  I seriously hate the lyrics of this song.

My opinion

In my opinion, you should listen to this album. Just because it's sad doesn't mean that you shouldn't listen to it. It actually teaches you how to deal with those kind of things and the background music is awesome too. It is somatic, happy and sad depending on the songs .By the way, the last four songs are actually really nice and happy and cheer you up. Be sure to try it !It is really good some of the songs are popular and you will get them stuck in your head for a while. Have fun! Listen to this album now!






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