Tuesday 23 October 2012

Curiosity Lands on Mars

Curiosity, is the name of a one-tonne unmanned vehicle of NASA. Their amazing achievement was when curiosity landed perfectly on Mars. How Curiosity landed perfectly was complicated. But it is like arrowing at a target that one hundred thousand kilometres away.

The most significant about Curiosity's mission was that the people on Earth will finally get to know if life ever existed on Mars( Curiosity's primary mission). Because, like it says in the article: " Curiosity is well named because its primary mission is to try to help answer a question that has puzzled people on Earth for centuries: has there ever been life on the Red Planet (Mars)". Right now curiosity is doing its mission to help, if curiosity finds out about it. It would be more than winning the lottery for mankind. Curiosity is a major help to science.

The fact that curiosity's mission is to last at least two years. I think that the chemical building blocks needed to support primitive organisms, (such as carbon nitrogen , phosphorus, sulfur and oxygen) that curiosity needs to find, is probably really hard to find since curiosity needs to drill in to Martian rocks and examine some of the planet's famous red soil carefully, that will take a long time, and the mission it takes at least two years. Also it is probably one of the most difficult mission since the mission is to found out about something that has puzzled people on earth for centuries so it must be extremely hard. Curiosity has an very important mission to do.

If Curiosity finds valuable sources, it would be a gigantic step to mankind.  It would upgrade science with so many new information. Science would be more interesting and more experiments awaiting. It would technically change the world. With all the new information that Curiosity brings to us, we would be able to learn more, and change the feature of science and the world. Curiosity will be the most famous invention, ever.

NASA has built the most successful invention so far, hopefully Curiosity will successfully complete it's mission. Good luck Curiosity!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Henry Norman Bethune ( Dr Norman Bethune)

He is a hero in china. The famous Canadian surgeon who gives medical services to the people in Canada, helped Spain during the civil war, but mostly china during the war with Japan. Who is he? That's right, he is Henry Norman Bethune. He's not only a doctor, he is also a inventor and a political activist. If I were to spend a day with anyone in history, it would be him.

First, let me introduce him. Henry Norman Bethune was born on March 4 1890 in Gravenhurst, Canada. He and his family were Scottish. He studied in the University of Toronto and became a surgeon. He contributed to thoracic Surgery in the Montreal Hospital. Also, he set up an blood transfusion system during the Spain civil war, which he lead a Canadian medical team to help operate the soldiers. After that, in 1938 he helped china by doing emergency battlefield operations. But he died on November 12th 1939 in Hebei, China because he cut his finger while operating on a soldier and got blood poising. From then on he was the hero of china.

 If I were to go back in time, I'd see him. He'll be like any surgeon that I have seen, but he is actually different from the other surgeon. That's because he's a hero, he risked his life to help the soldiers of China on the battle field.  I would want to spend a day with him. Not only because he is a hero, but also because he is a doctor. Since I want to be a doctor when I grow up. I figured he could be my role model. He decided to help China because he felt that since he is a member of the communists party, and he strongly believes that he will be useful in China. In 1938 , the war between China and Japan began. China did not have very good doctors back then, he offered to help. He put his life on the line, he lead a medical team to operate the soldiers in the front where the worst fight was beginning. The Japanese was defeated. Norman Bethune made a big contribution to china's victory over japan. See how he was not thinking about him self , and thinking of others? And most importantly, he had made history. I mean what would happen if he hadn't helped the Chinese soldiers? Most likely, Japan would take over and most of china's soldiers would die. That's what makes him a hero, and his spirit in the Communists party showed all the people in the Communists party to  be like him. To be a hero.Now here he is,brought back from history and spending time with me.

 On that day,  we would study about medicine and surgery. I want to be a doctor when I grew up, and I would want his help first. I want to know about different types of medicines and what they will be used for. As for surgery, I'll learn how he does the surgery on the soldiers and how he accomplished it. Not only that , I would also listen to him telling me stories of the wars back then and how he managed to operate many soldiers a day. Like how he helped the Spanish during the civil war, what went on during the Chinese war with the Japanese, and how did he help those people etc...... I'm pretty sure after hearing his stories I'll be never bored in history class ever again. Because If we took off the " h" and the " i" in history it would become"story" and his story would probably change history class for me. What an amazing day we'll have.

Henry Norman Bethune, a Canadian hero of China, is known for his amazing doctor skills. Since I came from china this concerns me. I respect him, and his doing. Every time China thinks of Canada they would immediately think of Henry Norman Bethune. Everyone in both China and Canada should acknowledge for what he has accomplished and become.  I hope China and Canada could continue to Cooperate as well.

Monday 8 October 2012

Are violent teens suffering 'the rage of the unparented'

Yes, another good article that I have to agree with. I mean how can children learn to be violent any other way? So of course there parents have not taught them well on how to be have and act like a non-violent teen. If the kids are violent it would be the parents to blame. Also, some parents are divorced and remarried with another person. That wouldn't be a good influence on their kids. The kids would learn lots of bad things just from that. Some parents when they get divorced, their kids don't even like their new mom or dad. Therefore, the kids wouldn't listen to them and their parents would loose control of them. Some children only has one parent, and that would create rage and jealousy for those children because of the children who actually have parents. When rage and jealousy comes into play, things are not going to go well. Like teens will be frustrated.

The most common way of striking when teens are frustrated, is bulling. You would think bulling was all about the popular or cool people who bullies the uncool people, but you are wrong. Bulling is not just that, it's also about the people who are suffering and jealous of the ones who have a good life and bullies them. But, think about it, why would people have jealousy inside of them? Aren't they the same people as the people that they are jealous of? No, there have to be something that separates them like being 'unparented.' Which in the article it read: "Violence is a measure of immaturity, endemic in our teen population. And immaturity has the same root as the bitter frustration that accompanies it - the unmet emotional requirements of youth deprived of nurturing adult contact American poet and social to " the rage of the unparented'."  I had my personal experience to it too. When I was in forth grade, a girl bullied me. She used to call me mean names and push me around. At first I didn't know why because I hardly knew her and I never even talked to her. But later on I found out. She has a step dad. See, she started feeling guilty after all this. So she told me that she had a step dad and she never liked him. Of coarse that must have been why. Even though my situation wansn't that serious but bulling can still be scary some times.

If teens are really frustrated, childern can get killed. Not that they did anything to deserve this, but because the murderers chose to strike on them. Like in the article:" The yount man trying to protect his home did not create the violence that killed him. The knife wielders most likely had no personal hatred toward him; perhaps they did not even know him. Their murderous frustration when he barred their entrance welled up from they knew not where." Teens are violent because they are frustrated. They get frustrated because their parents didn't teach them the right way or have lost one parent. See how this whole thing wraps up. It will end up with violent frustrated teens killing the innocent nice people.

The unavoidably frustrated is kids relying on each other. In the article it says:" Children relying on each other are unavoidably frustrated. Worse, in order to become accepted, they must become "cool" Cool is the avsence of emoton, the denial of vulnerability. Cool means the shutting down of emotion, or at least the prestense of shutdown, a false sophistication characterized by inbulnerability."Like it says in the article, if someone wanted to be accepted they need to be "cool". But cool means to team up and strike together. It's like a bunch of immature teens on the loose. That is super dangerous for the ones who did not know when they'll strike. It is not right to kill people, especially in huge gangs and groups.

That's why I agree with this article. The violent teens are suffering 'the rage of the unparented'. The parents should not let children rely on one another. And most importantly to not kill people and be a good person.